Major English - Class 11
Examination - 2069

Time - 3 hrs

F.M. - 100
P.M. -  35

Attempt all the questions.

1. Do you think George Eliot is judging society or Dorothea ? What conclusions do you think she wants us to draw from what we have heard of Dorothea ? Explain. (George Eliot, Middle March) [15]
Compare and contrast the message given by Larkin's poem 'Going, Going, and Cowper's 'The Poplar Field'. [15]

2. Write short notes on any three of the following: [3x5=15]

    a) Beowulf
    b) Thomas Wyatt
    c) Twelfth Night
    d) John Milton
    e) W.B. Yeats
    f) George Orwell

3. What contribution can you make to preserve and promote the cultural heritage of Nepal ? Discuss. [15]
Why do you think inclusion is essential not only in politics but also in education ? Explain. [15]

4. Answer any three of the following: [3x5=15]

(a) Why is it significant that fighting cocks receive care and attention equal to that given to human babies ? Explain. ( Of Cocks and Men )

(b) Imagine how the world would look like in case Pandora did not open the box. Discuss. ( Rosalind Vallance, Pandora's Box )

(c) What message does William Shakespeare want to convey in the poem 'When Icicles Hang...?' Explain.

(d) What makes collier's story 'Wet Saturday' a detached factual narrative ?

(e) What is the significance of Havel's statement that 'The poetry was over and the prose was beginning' in the Velvet Hangover ? Explain.

(f) Why is the poem entitled " Dream Variations" by Langston Hughes ? Explain.

5. Briefly answer any five of the following questions: [5x5=25]

(a) What circumstances would justify to state that the son is right to leave home ? ( Cat Stevens, Father and Son? )

(b) Why do you think war is a subject often used for the purpose of entertainment? ( Frederick Forsyt, The Dogs of War )

(c) Why does a speaker have 'pause' sometimes in speech? Justify your answer to the case of Albert's Mother. ( Harold Pinter, A night out. )

(d) What aspects of the woman make her suitable for such a superior man? ( Ian McEwan, Dead as They come )

(e) Sketch the 'discriminating acts' in a woman's life as defined by Emilia. (William Shakespeare, Othelo )

(f) What is the poet's attitude to ambition ? ( Robert Browing, Andrea del Sarto )

(g) What similarities and differences do you find in two texts about ideals? Explain. ( Rubert Brooke, Heaven and S.T. Coleridge, Kubla Khan )

6. Sketch the life of a person who is victimized due to superstition and caste discrimination. [15]
'Hope is always leading our life'. Explain [15]                               


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