Summary and Interpretation for DREAM VARIATIONS. The Poem "Dream Variations", written by Langston Hughes, presents the Pathos of a minority individuals in modern day United States. It is a nostalgic ( विगतका बारेमा लेखिएको ) poem which expresses poet's wish for complete freedom. It is written against colour persecution ( अत्याचार ) and racial discrimination.

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Summary and Interpretation Of 'DREAM VARIATIONS':

The poet wants to entertain the day freely without any intervention ( हस्तक्षेप ). He wants to do whatever he likes. He likes to roam around and dance throughout the day. Then in the evening he wants to rest under a tall tree until it is dark. This is his dream.

Lines 1, 2 and 10, 11
These lines express the poet's intention of freedom. " To fling my arms" means to work, in earth (line 2). "In the face of sun" (line 11) is, perhaps the sunny days.

Line 3, 4 and 12, 13
In line three (3) the poet's general intention of whirling ( घुम्ने ) and dancing is expressed. But in the line 12 dancing and whirling seems to be more deliberate and quick. Line 4 is very deep in meaning and important , too. "The White Day" refers to the period in which the whites were in power. The word "white" is replaced by the word "quick" in line 13. The change of "white day" to "quick day" implies that the period of white domination ( सेताहरुको अन्याय ) may soon be over.

Lines 5, 6 and 14
At evening, he wants to take rest under a tall tree. The world "cool" is replaced by the world "pale". "Pale" refers to something which is going to fade out. Here "pale evening" also refers to the possible end of the white domination.

Line 7 and 15, 16
The meaning of these lines is similar.

Lines 8 and 17
The word "dark" is changed to "black". This refers that the poet is emphasizing the black colour. The writer is implying that he is proud to be black.

Line 9
" That is my dream" - The line is not repeated in the poem. It may mean that the dream has become reality.



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