Here we present 100 simple English proverbs with their Equivalent Nepali proverbs. In this post you will find popular Nepali proverbs that are nearly equivalent to English proverbs. Check and download Latest and trending Nepali proverbs which we have done some collections with their equivalent English proverbs. Comparing English and Nepali proverbs may not give the 100% exact sense. We've tried providing the very nearer Nepali proverbs that are equivalent to the popular English proverbs. Hope the provided popular English proverbs and Nepali proverbs may help you in any means.
यहाँ केही साधारण अंग्रेजी उखानहरु (Proverbs) र तिनीहरुका समानान्तर (equivalent)/ मिल्दा-जुल्दा नेपाली उखानहरु (Proverbs) प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ। तर अंग्रेजी उखान र नेपाली उखानको शत प्रतिशत अर्थ नमिल्न सक्छ। त्यस्तो अवस्थामा सक्दो नजिकको अर्थ दिने नेपाली उखानहरु यहाँ राखिएका छन्।

100 Simple English Proverbs with their Equivalent Nepali Proverbs
Nepali Proverbs
1. A bad man is better than a bad name.
बदनाम भन्दा वध भलो।
2. A bad man quarrels with his tools.
नाच्न जान्दैन आँगन टेढो।
3. A beggar can't be bankrupt.
इदम् भ्रष्टम्, उदम् भ्रष्टम्।
4. A bird in hand is worth two in bush.
नहुनु मामा भन्दा कानो मामा निको।
5. A blind man cannot be judged of colours.
कानो गोरुलाई औंसी न पुर्ने।
6. A burnt child dreads the fire.
अगुल्टाले हानेको कुकुर बिजुली चम्कँदा तर्सिन्छ।
7. A carpenter is known by his chips.
ओंठ चल्यो, कुरा बुझ्यो।
8. A drop in the ocean.
हात्तीको मुखमा जिरा।
9. A figure among ciphers.
हाँसको बथानमा बकुल्लो।
10. A fog cannot be dispelled by a fan.
ओस चाटेर प्यास मेटिदैन अथवा नाङ्ग्लो ठटाएर हात्ती तर्सिदैन।
11. A honey tongue, a heart
मुखमा रामराम, बगलीमा छुरा।
12. A known devil is better than an unknown god.
टाढाको देउता भन्दा नजिकको भूत काम लाग्छ।
13. A man for all seasons.
ताक परे तिवारी नत्र गोतामे।
14. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
धोबीको कुकुर न घरको न घाटको।
15. A rotten apple injuries its companions.
एउटा कुहिएको आलुले पुरै गोदाम बिगार्छ/नष्ट गर्छ।
16. A stroke of a hammer equals hundred strokes of a chisel.
सुनारको १०० चोट, लोहारको एकै चोट।
17. A watched kettle never boils.
प्रतिक्षाको घडी लामो हुन्छ।
18. A wolf in lamb's clothing.
मुखमा रामराम, बगलीमा छुरा।
19. A wise woman is twice a fool.
मेरी आमा कति बाठी, चामल दिई पिठो साटी।
20. A woman conceals what she knows not.
आइमाईको किलकिले हुदैन।
21. All the glitters is not gold.
टल्किदैमा सुन हुदैन।
22. All worship the rising sun.
सबैले बलेको आगो ताप्छन्।
23. An empty vessel sounds much.
नमच्चिने पिङ्गको सय झट्का अथवा अल्छिको ओंठमा आहानको झुप्पा।
24. As the king so are the subjects.
यथा राजा तथा प्रजा।
25. As you sow, so you reap.
रोपे फल्छ।
26. Barking dog seldom bite.
भुक्ने कुकुरले टोक्दैन।
27. Beat the dog before the lion.
छोरी कुटी बुहारी तर्साउनु।
28. Beneath the rose lies the serpent.
फूलमा काँडा पनि हुन्छ।
29. Between two fires.
निल्नु न ओकल्नु।
30. Birds of a feather flock together.
चोर चोरसँग, साधु साधुसँग।
31. Bitter pills may have blessed effects.
ओखती मिठो हुदैन, अर्ती राम्रो हुदैन।
32. Cattle do not die from crow's cursing.
झिङ्गाको सरापले डिङ्गा मर्दैन।
33. Contentment is happiness.
सन्तोषम् परम् सुखम्।
34. Crows are never the whiter for washing.
गधा धोएर गाई हुदैन।
35. Cut your coat according to your cloth.
घाँटी हेरेर हाड निल्नु।
36. Diamonds cuts diamonds.
फलामले फलाम काट्छ।
37. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
मनको लड्डु घ्यू संग खानु।
38. Don't play with fire.
अरिङ्गालको गोलामा हात नहाल्नु।
39. Drowning man catches at straw.
अनाथको सहारा दैव।
40. Eating bull beef and bragging highly.
आलु खाई पेडाको धाक।
41. Every dog has his day.
टुहुराका दिन फर्कन्छन।
42. Every potters praises his pot.
कुमालेले आफ्नै भाँडाको प्रशंसा गर्छ।
43. Everything looks yellow to a jaundiced eye.
चोरले सबैलाई चोर देख्छ।
44. Evil gotten, evil spent.
जस्तो आयो उस्तै गयो।
45. Example is better than precept.
उपदेश दिनुभन्दा काम गर्नु भलो।
46. End in smoke.
हात्ती आयो हात्ती आयो फुस्स।
47. Fair weather friends.
बलेको आगो ताप्नु।
48. Fortune knocks once at least at every man's door.
अजिङ्गरको आहारा दैवले पुर्याउँछ।
49. Good mind, good find.
आफू भलो त जगतै भलो।
50. Half a loaf is better than no bread.
नहुनु मामा भन्दा कानो मामा निको।
51. Hard nut to crack.
फलामको च्यूरा चपाउनु।
52. He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet.
घोडा चढ्ने लड्छ।
53. He who would sow well, must reap well.
जसले मह काढ्छ, उसले मह चाट्छ।
54. He, that is warm, thinks all are so.
आफू भलो त जगतै भलो।
55. High winds blow on high hills.
ठूलाको ठूलै बात।
56. I'll gotten goods seldom prosper.
उल्फको धन फुपूको श्राद्द।
57. If the sky falls, we will catch larks.
आकाशको फल आँखा तरी मर्।
58. Innocent have nothing to fear.
नरिसाउनु, नडराउनु।
59. It is hard to live in the Rome and to fight with the pope.
पानीमा बसेर माछासँग वैमनश्य गर्नुहुँदैन।
60. It is no crying over split milk.
पोहोर मरी सासू, अहिले आयो आँसु
61. It takes two to quarrel.
एक हातले ताली बज्दैन।
62. Justice hurried, justice buried.
हतपतको काम लतपत।
63. Killing two birds with one stone.
एक पन्थ दो काज।
64. Let the past bury the dead.
उहिलेको कुरा खुइले।
65. A man's breath, another's death.
एउटाको जरा नउखेली अर्को सप्रदैन।
66. Like father, like son.
जस्तो बाबु, उस्तै छोरा।
67. Many a little makes a mickle.
एक थुकी सुकी, सय थुकी नदी।
68. Many minds, many thoughts.
जति भाँडो, उति चुबुर्को।
69. Measure for measure.
जस्ताको तस्तै।
70. Much smoke, little fire.
देख्नाको डाल, ढिंडाको काल।
71. Never cheapen unless you mean to buy.
नजाने गाउँको बाटो नसोध्नु।
72. No garden is without weeds.
जुन जोगी आएपनि कानै चिरेको।
73. No one knows the weight of another's burden.
अचानाको पीर खुकुरीले जान्दैन।
74. No pains, no gains.
सेवा बिना मेवा मिल्दैन।
75. No smoke without fire.
हावा नचली पात हल्लिदैन।
76. Once a whorl always a whorl.
एकचोटीको चोर सधैं को चोर।
77. One flower makes no garland.
एक हातले ताली बज्दैन।
78. One slays, another plays.
बिराउने रामे चोट पाउने चामे।
79. Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.
अचानाको पिर खुकुरीले जान्दैन।
80. Quality speaks for itself.
अकवरी सुनलाई कसी लाउनु पर्दैन।
81. Riches have wings.
लक्ष्मी चंचल हुन्छिन्।
82. Rome was not built in a day.
हत्केलामा दहि जम्दैन।
83. Self-defense is nature's eldest law.
आई लाग्ने माथि जाइ लाग्नुपर्छ।
84. Shift your sail with the wind.
जस्तो मादल बज्छ, उस्तै नाच।
85. Speech is silver, silence is gold.
नाबोल्नेले जित्छ।
86. Still water runs deep.
घुसघुसे मान्छे खतरा हुन्छ।
87. Strike the iron while it is hot.
मौकामा हिरा फोड्नु।
88. Teach your father to get children.
इन्द्रको अगाडी स्वर्गको कुरा।
89. The appetite grows by eating.
बज्यै मरिन् भन्दा पनि काल पल्क्यो भन्ने डर।
90. The door is wider than a house.
आम्दानी आठ आना, खर्च रुपैया।
91. The pot calls a kettle black.
आफ्नो आङ्गको भैँसी नदेख्ने, अर्काको आङ्गको जुम्रा देख्ने।
92. Throwing pearls before the swine.
बाँदरको हातमा नरिवल।
93. Time and tide never wait for men.
समयले पर्खदैन, बगेको खोला फर्कदैन।
94. To dig one's own grave.
आफ्नै खुट्टामा बन्चरो हान्नु।
95. To make castle in the air.
मनको लड्डु घ्यू सँग खानु।
96. Too many cooks spoil the meal.
धेरै बिराली मुसी नमारी।
97. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
जस्तो देश उस्तै भेष।
98. When one door shuts another opens.
भए अन्त नभए बुढीको जन्त।
99. When the snake is old, the frog will tease him.
ओरालो लागेको मृगलाई बाछाले खेद्छ।
100. Where there is will, there is a way.
जहाँ ईच्छा, त्यहाँ उपाय।

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