Questions and answers of "Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies". "Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies" was written by William Shakespeare. 'Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies' is an extract from William Shakespeare's play "The Tempest". William Shakespeare was a famous playwright and a poet of Elizabethan period. He was an active member of Theatre Company for at least 20 years. He continued to write plays at the rate of approximately ( लगभग ) two per year. He had written tragedies, comedies and historical plays. He wrote total of 154 sonnets. He offered his poetry as a means of immortality ( अमरता ) for both the youth and himself. His poems greatly dealt with the Renaissance ( पुनर्जागरण ) themes of friendship, love, death, change and immortality.

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Question-Answers Of 'Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies':

Understanding and Interpretation

Question No. 1: Write a summary of the poem in one paragraph. ( एक अनुच्छेद {प्याराग्राफ} मा यस कविताको सारांश लेख्नुहोस्। )

Answer: This poem is an extract from William Shakespeare's play 'The Tempest'. This is a song sung by Ariel, the spirit to Ferdinand, the Prince of Naples, who mistakenly thinks his father is drowned ( डुबेको ) in a shipwreck ( ship accident ). Ariel tells Ferdinand that his father lies full thirty feet below in the sea. His death has become very meaningful here. His bones are changed into coral. His eyes have turned into pearls. No part of him has decayed ( नाशवान हुनु ). Rather, every part has changed into something valuable and strange. The sea nymphs living in the sea are ringing his death bell each hour. He says that he can hear the sound of the bell. Thus, the spirit tries to convince Ferdinand that his father's body hasn't decayed even after his death. He has transformed into something precious. This is also suggests that death is not the end of life. It is a change from mortal to immortal ( अमर ) life.

Question No. 2Is death meaningful in this poem? (के यस कवितामा मृत्यु सार्थक छ ?)

    Answer: Yes, death is meaningful in this poem. But it is not a sad poem. Death is important in the sense that it is not the end of physical existence but this end assumes the significance in that it is an entrance into the spiritual world of art and eternity ( अनन्तकाल ). Death raises life into a higher existence of art. In changes everything into something rich and strange, death opens the door or immortality ( अमरत्व ).

    Question No. 3Comment on the significance of Ding-dong in line 8. (आठौँ पंक्तिमा प्रयोग भएको Ding-dong का महत्वका बारेमा टिप्पणी गर।)
      Answer: According to the spirit Ariel, the parts of Ferdinand's father's body have undergone a sea-change and been transformed into coral, pearls and other rice and strange things of beauty. This change takes place in the sea and that is why the bell rung by the sea nymphs is described as "Knell". The sound "ding-dong" is a sound of bell rung for the funeral of his father. 'Ding-dong' imitates the sound of the bell and thus has onomatopoeic ( अनुकरणात्मक ) effect. It also gives a magical effect because the parts of Ferdinand's father's body are changed into things of beauty like pearls and coral just as letters and words combine together to create music in the poem.


      Question No. 1Write an essay on Life and Art. ('जीवन र कला' शीर्षकमा एक निबन्ध लेख।)
        Answer: Man has always strived to raise himself above the temporariness and perishable quality of things. To create art in one of his such attempts. In this sense, life and art are inseparable.
        Life is mortal but art is not. Life is a collection of experiences: good and bad, sweet and bitter. These experiences and ideas come and pass and life goes on. These are reflected in different forms of art. Although man dies, his creation remains in the world forever.
        Man has a natural tendency to give an outlet ( अभिव्यक्ति ) to his passions, emotions and sentiments. He indulges in activities such as painting pictures, composing music and poems. Human beings make and create so many things and this is his effort to get satisfaction. Some of his creative activities are caused by his practical needs. But much of his art related activities are a result of his spiritual craving. All his activities related with the production of art give him deep satisfaction. That is why man seeks refuge ( छहारी ) in literature painting, architecture, music, dance and so forth.

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