Major English - Class 11
Examination - 2068

Time - 3 hrs

F.M. - 100
P.M. -  35

Attempt all the questions.

1. Introduce any two Victorian poets with reference to their poems you know. [15]
Based on the poem " Father and Son " by Cat Stevens, discuss the attitude of father and son towards each other. [15]

2. Write short notes on any three of the following: [3x5=15]

    a. Daniel Defoe
    b. Edmund spenser: Fairie Queene
    c. Shakespeare
    d. Alexander Pope
    e. William Langland
    f. Magic and miracles plays

3. What contribution can you make to promote tourism in Nepal ? Discuss logically. [15]
Do you think air travel is safer than travel by ship, train and car ? Discuss in detail. [15]

4. Answer any three of the following: [3x5=15]

a. Discuss the three dangers Havel identifies and explain why each has come into existence at this particular time. (The Velvet Hangover)

b. How does the process of constructing elephant satirizes the governmental bureaucracy in Poland ? (The Elephant)

c. Why is the poem titled 'Dream Variations'?

d. What is the father really trying to discover by reading the works of the geneticists, Lysenko and Mendal ? (An insolvable problem of Genetics)

e. Do you think the temptation of flying acts like a strong motive for the employment ? (Friday Morning)

5. Briefly answer any five of the following questions: [5x5=25]

a. What is the poet's attitude to ambition ? (Robert Browing, Andrea del Sarto )

b. What similarities and differences do you notice in two texts about ideals ? (Rupert Brooke; "Heaven" and S.T. Coleridge; "Kubla Khan")

c. Note the positive and negative possibilities Macbeth sees in committing the ultimate act of rebellion-killing the kings Duncan. (W.Shakespeare, Macbeth)

d. Enumerate different types of families and family relationship as given in different texts under the heading of 'Family'.

e. Which of the texts do you find most effective in terms of the theme of 'environment' ? (W.Cooper; "The Poplar Field", Philip Larkin; "Going, Going", Konard Lorenz; "Civilized Man's Eight Deadly Sins")

f. What is the attitude of Henry to war ? Does he glorify war or condemn it ? (Shakespeare, Henry V)

g. Sketch the image of Dorothea as given by George Eliot. (Middlemarch)

6. Sketch the life of a person who is subjected to indifference due to racial and gender discrimination. [15]
Discuss in detail the possibility of conservation of environment in our area. [15]


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