Paraphrase of the poem "Father and Son". "Father and Son" was written by Cat Stevens. Father and son are the family members. Father wants a good son in his own model. He preaches him accordingly. But the son thinks the parents don't understand him. This misunderstanding between son and father creates a big problem and the son decides to leave home alone.

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Paraphrase of the poem "Father and Son":

The father suggests to his young son just to relax because it is not a proper time to make change in decisions. The son has many things to do. At that period he can find a girl and marry her if he likes. The father is happy even in the old age.

The father was like his son once. He (the father) knows that the it is very difficult to find peace if new feelings come in someone's mind. The son should be able to understand the time and should not run after the dream because he will remain there tomorrow without any change. But his dreams will be vanished tomorrow.

Finally, the father suggests his son not to make decisions alone. He should stay at home like his father, he should follow his example and be happy. To make a change (or to decide) alone at the young age was a great fault.

Now, the son expresses his disagreement with his father. The son says that the father rejects everything, which is very difficult to explain. The same old story was repeated several times. From his childhood he was habituated to listen to the others, he was not allowed to talk. The son has always suppressed his feelings. But now to ignore his feelings is very difficult. The parents don't understand the son's psychology so they are wrong. The only way in that situation was to go away from the parents alone.


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