Questions and answers of the poem "Father and Son". "Father and Son" was written by Cat Stevens. Father and son are the family members. Father wants a good son in his own model. He preaches him accordingly. But the son thinks the parents don't understand him. This misunderstanding between son and father creates a big problem and the son decides to leave home alone.

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Questions and Answers Of 'Father And Son':

Question No. 1: The father's attitude to his son, and the son's attitude to his father, which do you more easily identify with ? ( बाबुको छोरा प्रतिको र छोराको बाबु प्रतिको धारणा मध्ये तपाई कुनलाई बढी आत्मसाथ गर्नुहुन्छ ? )
Answer: Father's attitude towards his son is instructive ( उपदेशात्मक ). He wants him to be a good son following his own tradition. The son's attitude towards his father is opposing ( विरोधी ). He regards his father not understanding him. Both of them are right when we look at them from their own perspective.

I identify with the son. I don't like to be suppressed by the parents. I like to live the life of complete freedom. I like to be far away from the bondage of my parents. To suppress the feeling that come with the age is very difficult and one should not ignore it. My father always rejects the thing that I prefer to do. Therefore, I should leave my parents and make decision alone.

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Questions and Answers Of 'Father And Son'


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