Tribhuvan University | Old Is Gold
Computer Science and Information Technology
Course: Computer Graphics
Level: Bachelor | Second Year | Semester: Fourth | Year 2070 | Science
Full Marks: 60 | Pass Marks: 24 | Time: 3 Hrs

Download - File Size: 42.1 kb | Computer Graphics Exam Paper 2070 | CSIT | TU

All questions carry equal marks. 

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1. What is the random scan system? Explain the operation of random scan with architecture.

2. Write a procedure to fill the interior of a given ellipse with a specified pattern.

3. Show that two successive reflection about any line passing through the coordinate origins equivalent to a single rotation about the origin.

4. What do you mean by line clipping? Explain the procedures for line clipping.

5. Illustrate the windows to view point transformation with an example.
    Write a procedure to implement highlighting as a blinking operation.

6. Why polygon description is consider as standard graphics objects? Explain the importance of polygon table.

7. Model the Bezier curve. Explain the importance of Bezier curve in graphical modeling.
    Write a procedure to perform a two-point perspective projection of an object.

8. What is solid modeling? Explain the basic procedures for solid modeling.

9. Explain the area subdivision method for visible surface detection.

10. Explain the basic steps for computer animation.


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