Tribhuvan University | Old Is Gold
Computer Science and Information Technology
Course: Computer Graphics
Level: Bachelor | Second Year | Semester: Fourth | Year 2069 | Science
Full Marks: 60 | Pass Marks: 24 | Time: 3 Hrs
| Download - File Size: 39.5 kb | Computer Graphics Exam Paper 2069 | CSIT | TU
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1. Explain the random scan display system with its advantages and disadvantages.
2. Why homogeneous coordinate are used for transformation computations in computer graphics? Explain.
3. Differentiate between window port and view port. How are lines grouped into visible, invisible and partially visible categories in 2D clipping? Explain.
4. Define polygon. What are the different types of polygons? Explain with example.
5. Differentiate between periodic B-spline curves and non-periodic B-spline curves.
6. Explain the z-buffer algorithm for removing hidden faces?
7. Differentiate between incremental algorithms over DDA with example.
8. Define the following terms (any two):
a) Video controller
b) 3D viewing
c) Raster graphics
d) List priority
9. Explain the simple illumination model with example.
Explain the Gourand shading model with example.
10. Explain the virtual reality and its applications in the computer graphics.
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