Tribhuvan University | Old Is Gold
Computer Science and Information Technology
Course: Database Management System
Level: Bachelor | Second Year | Semester: Fourth | Year 2067 | Science
Full Marks: 60 | Pass Marks: 24 | Time: 3 Hrs

Download - File Size: 44.6 kb | Database Management System Exam Paper 2067-ii | CSIT | TU

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions.

1. Answer the following questions in short. (5x2=10)

a. Advantage of DBMS approach over file system approach.
b. Differentiate between two-tier and three-tier client/server architecture.
c. What is weak entity, owner entity type and identifying relationship?
d. The null value attribute and its uses.
e. Recursive relationship type with suitable example.

2. a) Draw an ER diagram for a database showing Hospital system. The Hospital maintains data about Affiliated Hospitals, type of Treatments facilities given at each hospital, and Patients. (6)
    b) What is join operation? Differentiate between equijoin and natural join with suitable example.(4) 

   COMPANY (cname, address) 
   WORKS (ss#, cname)
   SUPERVISES (supervisor_ss#, employee_ss#)

   Write relational algebra and SQL queries for each of the following cases. (5)

   (i) Find the names of all the supervisors that work in companies whose address equal ‘Kathmandu’.
   (ii) Find the names of all the companies who have more than 4 supervisors.
   (iii) Find the name of the supervisor who has the largest number of employees.

   b) How can define view in SQL? Explain the problems that may arise when one attempts to update a view. (1+4)

4.a) What are different update anomalies? Explain each in with suitable example. (1+4)
   b) Define functional dependency. Describe the closure of a set of functional dependencies with an example. (1+4)

5.a) Draw a state diagram, and discuss the typical state that a transaction goes through during transaction. (5)
   b) Which of the following schedule is (conflict) Serializable? For each serializable schedule, determine the equivalent serial schedules. (5)

i) r1(x); r3(x); w1(x); r2(x); w3(x);
ii) r1(x); r3(x); w3(x); w1(x); r2(x);
iii) r3(x); r2(x); w3(x); r1(x); w1(x);
iv) r3(x); r2(x); r1(x); w3(x); w1(x);

6.a) Discuss the problems of deadlock and starvation, and the different approaches to dealing with these problems. (5)
   b) Describe write-ahead logging protocol. (5)


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