Question and answer of "In Bed". "In Bed" was written by Joan Didion. A very short description/introduction about Joan Didion. Joan Didion (born December 5, 1934) is an American author best known for her novels and her literary journalism. Her novels and essays explore the disintegration of American morals and cultural chaos, where the overriding theme is individual and social fragmentation. A sense of anxiety or dread permeates much of her work.

Question-Answers of 'In Bed':


Question No. 1: According to the author how do migraines differ from ordinary headaches ? What are their distinctive traits ? ( लेखिकाको भनाइ अनुसार सामान्य कपाल दुखाई आधा कपाल दुखाई भन्दा कसरी फरक छ ? तिनीहरुका विशेष लक्षणहरु के-के हुन् ? )
Answer: Ordinary headache differs from migraine. Ordinary headache can be cured with simple tablets but migraine can not be cure easily. Migraine is hereditary whereas ordinary headache is common. It makes anyone cold and weak, vomiting and sweating. Migraine reoccurs whereas ordinary headache does not. Drugs and injections can only prevent it. Someone who has hallucinations, becomes blind, gets stomach problem, seems drunkard, but ordinary headache doesn't cause them.

Question No. 2: What popular misconceptions about migraine headaches does Didion want to correct ? ( आधा कपाल दुखाइका विषयमा कुन लोकप्रिय गलत धारणामा डिडिअन सुधार गर्न चाहनु हुन्छ ? )
Answer: Didion wants to present some realities about the migraine that it is not only imaginary and can be cured with some medicine tablets. The persons who suffer from it don't want to be sick and cure themselves.

Question No. 3: What once made Didion ashamed to admit that she suffered from migraines ? ( आफू आधा कपाल दुखाइ बाट पीडित भएको कुरा एक पटक स्वीकार गर्दा के ले डिडीअन लाई लज्जित बनायो ? )
Answer: First of all, Didion wanted to deny it but she had to spend one or two days a week in the bed with migraine so she accepted the pain. The feeling that she had to be free from migraine drove her to admit it.

Question No. 4: While imparting facts about migraine, what does Didion, simultaneously reveal about her own personality ? ( आधा कपालको बारेमा जानकारी दिँदा दिँदै डिडिअनले स्वयम् आफ्नै व्यक्तित्वका बारेमा के देखाउँछिन् ? )
Answer: Didion presents the statement of doctors that the patients of migraine want to be ambitious, perfectionist, intolerable of error, rigid organised etc. She is also perfectionist and writes many paragraphs. She expresses her ideas so her personality is expressive and outward.

Question No. 5: What intellectual response does she have toward her own migraines ? ( आफ्नै आधा कपाल दुखाइको बारेमा उनको के बौदिक प्रतिक्रिया छ ? )
Answer: Now she doesn't ignore and ill-treat it because it seems like a friend. She tolerates it and sleeps in the bed when it happens to her. She accepts its existence and she has an understanding with it and it comes only in ordinary condition. When migraine gives her up, all the trouble, anxiety, pain goes off and she becomes happy with it.

Question No. 6: Sum up in your words the tremendous experience that Didion describes in the final paragraph. ( अन्तिम अनुच्छेदमा डिडिअनले गरेको महान् अनुभवलाई आफ्नै शब्दमा संक्षेपिकरण गर्नुहोस्। )
Answer: According to her experience, when he get migraine we must accept its existance as a heritage. We should not deny it and ill-treat it. It becomes familiar to everybody and it helps to remove our other minor problems too. We should be happy thinking that it is a friend and inevitable part of life. It demands only sometime and it begs our tolerance for some time. After all, we will not be killed by it.

Question No. 7: What is the effect of Didion's using "I" narrator in the essay ? ( निबन्धमा "म " प्रयोग गर्दा कस्तो प्रभाव पर्छ ? )
Answer: The writer is expressive and she is describing her experience so she seems subjective. So, "I" doesn't mean bad, but makes it more powerful.

Question No. 8: Why does she switch from "I" in paragraph 4 (lines 62-79) ? What is the effect ? ( चौथो अनुच्छेदमा लेखिकाले किन "म" प्रयोग गरिनन् ? यसले के प्रभाव पार्छ ? )
Answer: She doesn't use "I" in paragraph four because she is talking about the common things about migraine. She is not taking about her personal feeling and experience so she doesn't use "I". She expresses objective matter.

Question No. 9: Didion's essay draws upon bothe subjective, personal experience and objective medical knowledge. How does she signal her transitions from impressionistic to impartial description, and from impartial back to impressionistic ? ( डिडिअनको निबन्धको आत्मपरक निजी अनुभव र वस्तुपरक औषधी विज्ञान दुवैको ज्ञान प्रयोग भएको छ। व्यक्तिगत बाट निर्व्यक्तिगत र निर्व्यक्तिगत बाट व्यक्तिगत विवरणमा भएको परिवर्तन उनी कसरी देखाउँछिन् ? )
Answer: First, second and third paragraph deal with subjective personal experience using the pronoun "I". In the fourth paragraph "I" is not used and style is changed. Sometimes she has used third person 'one'. At last she again uses "I" for the expression of her personal feelings. So such shift of the pronoun indicates her gaping.

Question No. 10: Point to a few examples of the sensuous detail in Didion's writing. What do such images contribute to her essay's effect ? ( डिडिअनको लेखनमा भेटिने इन्द्रिय जन्य अनुभवको विवरण दिने केही उदाहरण देखाउनुहोस्। यस्तो आलङ्गकारिक भाषाले उनको निबन्धको प्रभावको कस्तो योगदान दिन्छ ? )
Answer: "Involuntary tears running down the right side of my face, threw up in washrooms, emptied ice trays into my bed and tried to freeze the pain in my right temple..." are examples of sensuous detail in her writing. Similarly, she says "....Then the pain comes, and I concentrate only on that". Such words show that she is expressing her personal experience. She appeals everybody especially who is not suffering from the migraine that the disease is very undeniable hereditary thing.

Question No. 11: In paragraph 2 when Didion declares that she "wished only for a neurosurgeon who would do a lobotomy on house call" (line 33-34), do you take her literally ? What do you make of her remark in paragraph 5: "That no one dies of migraine seems, to someone deep into an attack, an ambiguous blessing" lines 95-96). ( अनुच्छेद दुईमा "चिरफार गर्ने डाक्टरलाई घरमा बोलाएर दिमागको रक्तनली काट्न पाए पनि हुने" भन्ने भनाईलाई के तपाई साँच्ची भन्ठान्नु हुन्छ ? " आधा कपाल दुखाइले कोही पनि मर्दैन भन्ने भनाईको अर्थ तपाई कसरी लगाउन सक्नुहुन्छ ? )

Answer: I don't think she really wished to operate and cut veins because it was only an emotional expression when she got headache. Operation is difficult and serious so she didn't want it really. We can say no one dies of migraine but other pain can kill anyone. So, we can't say migraine is blessing but normally we should accept its happening as a common phenomenon ( उपचार ) because if it cannot be cured easily. Tolerance is only one remedy ( घटना ).

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