SLC Exam of Compulsory English 2072 (2016) held today Thursday, 31st March 2016 Or Thursday, 18th Of Chaitra 2072, Nepal. Wish a very Good Luck to all who participated in the very first Exam of SLC 2072 (2016) from the team of "Nepal Complete Guide".

Symbol No. ................                                                                                       W-RE-101

                                                            2072 (2016)
                                               COMPULSORY ENGLISH
                                                     Reading and Writing
                                                          (Written Test)

Candidates are required to give their answer according to the given instructions.

Time: 2 hrs. 15 minutes
Full Marks: 75

1. Read the poem and do the activities that follow: [5]

                      Where the Mind is Without Fear

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of the reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action.....
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father,
Let my country awake.

- Rabindranath Tagore

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Exam Papers Of Compulsory English SLC
A. Write 'True' for the true statements and 'False' for the false ones: [4x0.5=2]

a. It will be easy to preserve our dignity when there is fearlessness.
b. The poet wants to hear true words from people.
c. Dead habits are the divisions between societies.
d. The poet appeals his countrymen not to worry about perfection.

B. Answer the following questions: [3x1=3]

a. What has broken the world ?
b. What do we need to achieve perfection ?
c. What does the word 'Father' in the poem refer to ?

2. Read the following text and do the activities that follow: [10]

My parents were not able to pay for my higher studies. I needed to get a job to support my family as well as to save my face. I tried my luck but there was no job in the lines of my plan. It was not thought decent to dirty your hands after being at college but one day, my mother asked me if I could help her in the fields.

I liked working in the monsoon when there was no scorching sun in the sky. Mostly we worked in a drizzling rain that swept away the sweat of our toil. Under the canopy of black and white clouds we pulled the rice seedlings to plant them in a swampy soil as smooth as curd. The work was fun particularly when the co-workers were other young people.

But working in summer was very difficult and boring. Without any kind of irrigation, we had to depend on our own muscles. Swinging baskets or buckets were used water the fields: they were suspended by four cords and were held at each end by two people. The buckets were dipped into the water - sometimes four feet down and then raised with a single throw so that the water could flow into the fields. Thus, with one basket, we could irrigate half an acre a day. By the time the day was finished we were finished too. What I had heard about Europe had led me to believe that what took two of us an hour to do, an English farmhand could have done in 15 minutes. Such were the conditions then and they are the same now.

A. From the passage, find the words that are similar in meaning to the following words: [4x0.5=2]

a. respectable                     b. hard work
c. hung                                d. situation

B. Put the following sentences in the correct order: [4x1=4]

a. The narrator felt working in summer was difficult.
b. The narrator tried hard to get a job.
c. The narrator found that agriculture in his country was still traditional.
d. Later the narrator worked in the fields.

C. Answer the following questions: [4x1=4]

a. Why did narrator need a job ?
b. What is the soil compared with ?
c. Why was working in summer difficult ?
d. How does the writer show that English farming is faster ?

3. Read the following text and do the activities that follow: [10]

Four men have been arrested on suspicion of murder after a 23-year-old man was found with stab wounds at a property in Bolton. Police were called to the address in Breightmet, at about 4:15am on Sunday. The man was taken to hospital where he later died. His family is being informed, police said. Two men aged 29, one aged 30 and another aged 31 are being questioned by officers on suspicion of murder and violet conduct. Police in Bolton are working with detectives from Greater Manchester police's major incident team in the murder investigation. Inspector Carol Martin, from Bolton police, said: "First and foremost our thoughts go out to the family and friends of this young man. We are currently trying to piece together what happened before police arrived at the scene and we will be doing everything we can to find the person or persons responsible. I would like to appeal to anyone who may have witnessed the disturbance or seen anything suspicious before and after police arrived to get in touch so we can give this man's family and friends the answers they deserve. Anyone with information should call police on 0161 8565774 or the Independent Charity Stoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111'.

A. Match the expressions under column A with the correct continuation under B: [4X0.5=2]

         Column A                                                                   Column B 

a. The man killed was                                                 i.   29 years of age.
b. The incident took place                                         ii.  23 years old.
c. The murder is being investigated                         iii. in Bolton.
d. Two of the suspects are                                         iv.  by the detectives.

B. Write 'True' for the true statements and 'False' for the false ones: [4x1=4]

a. The man died at about 4:15am on Sunday.
b. According to the police the family of the man has already been informed.
c. The police are not sure yet whether the four men killed the man.
d. The persons informing need not disclose their names.

C. Answer the following questions: [4x1=4]

a. Why have the four men been arrested ?
b. Who are helping the police to investigate the case ?
c. Where did the man die ?
d. What appeal do the police make to the general public ?

4. Read the following text and do the activities that follow: [15]

                    Janjagriti Nature Protection Foundation (JNPF)
           Loksmriti Bhawan, Nagarjun Punicipal Corporation, Baitadi
                              Ph: 0967909999, Fax: 096905582
                    VACANCY Announcement (Re-advertised)
                      Community Climate Change Project (CCCP)

Janjagriti Nature Protection Foundation re-announces the vacancy for the following position for Community Climate Project. The duration of the contract initially is one year and subject to renewal on annual basis upon satisfactory performance.

Post Vacant - Deputy Project Coordinator - 1

For detailed terms of reference please visit career opportunity page of JNPS Applications along with detailed CV, contact no. and two recent passport-size photographs should be submitted by April 20, 2016 to JNPF. Attested copies of all certificates, mark-sheets and other relevant documents should also be submitted.

Only short-listed candidates will be informed for further selection process. JNPF reserves the rights to accept or reject all/some of the applications without stating any reason whatsoever.

Apply to:
The Managing Director,
P.O. box: 2345

Note: No telephone inquires will be entertained. Canvassing at any stage of the selection process will lead the candidate to automatic disqualification.

A. From the above advertisement find the words that have the following meanings: [4x1=4]

a. conversation    b. on an yearly basis   c. pertinent   d. discard

B. Choose the correct one from the given alternatives: [3x1=3]

a. This announcement is published ........................................
i. for the first time                          ii. for the second time
iii. for the protection of nature
b. The word 'canvassing' means .............................................
i. telephoning to the office                ii. trying to gain favour
iii. painting the picture in a canvass
c. We can get visiting the
i. detailed C.V.                              ii. detailed terms of reference
iii. detailed selection process

C. Answer the following questions: [4x2=8]

a. What does JNPF stand for ?
b. In what condition will the duration of the post be renewed ?
c. Mention any three things to be submitted along with the application.
d. How can the applications be sent ?

5. Complete the following dialogue with the correct expressions from the box given below: [6x1=6]

John: ...............................................................................
Mary: Fine. It's been popular by now.
John: Mary, .....................................................................
Mary: I'm going to have a burger with cheese.
John: Right, I'm going to have, I think ...........................
Mary: Burger too ? m'm ..........................What are you going to have ?
John: I'm either going to have mushroom soup or fish soup.
Mary: ...............................................................................
John: Why did Binod say he was too busy ?
Mary: ...............................................................................

  • I'm going to have deep-fried mushrooms.
  • He has a party to attend.
  • Are you going to have a starter ?
  • Finally, we got into a right place.
  • I'll have a vegetarian burger with barbecue sauce on it.
  • What would you prefer ?

6. Study the following pie-chart and write a short description about it. You can use the clues given in the box. [6]

Family Budgets of Mrs Jha

( Pie Chart will be available soon......)
Instead of Pie chart here some instructions are given:

Food - 30%
Health - 15%
Savings - 10%
Clothes - 15%
Education - 20%
Rent - 10%

Clues: Mrs Jha, an accountant in a co-operative firm.....monthly income Rs. 18,000/-....mainly spends on food .....more expenses in education than clothes ..... little saving for future

7. Write a letter to your friend how you feel about the growing use of computers. [12]

8. Choose and copy the best answers (Rewriting is not compulsory): [12x0.5=6]  

a. Do you read ........ Kantipur every day ? (a/an/the)
b. Nobody called me, ........ ? (did they/didn't they/do they)
c. "Did anybody invite you ?" "No, nobody tell me". (didn't invite/invites/invited)
d. Chirag studies in grade 'X' and so ........ Kalyan. (do/is/does)
e. Neither Ritu nor her parents ......... meat. (eats/eat/is eating)
f. The students ........ the assignment before 8 tomorrow. (submit/will submit/will have submitted)
g. I would give a party, if I ........ lottery. (win/will win/won)
h. Stay ........ from bad company. (back/away/over)
i. "Don't be late". The teacher told the students ........ (to be late/don't be late/not to be late)
j. The food ........ (was not eaten/eaten/not to be eaten)
k. Mr. Sherpa is rich ........ greedy. (because/but/so)
l. Mr. Chymling got his bike ........ (serviced/to service/service)

9. Choose and copy the best answers (Rewriting is not compulsory): [10x0.5=5]

A little boy steals ........ (a/an/the) book. His mother sells the book ........ (in/for/on) fifty rupees and gives the boy two rupees as a reward. As he ........ (grows/grew/grow) up he becomes a notorious thief. He commits series of crimes, ....... he ? (don't/doesn't/didn't). At last he ........ (caught/is caught/has been caught) and sentenced to death. On the way he says that he ........ (wished/wishes/wish) to meet his mother. The mother ........ (has arrive/has just arrived/have just arrived) to see him. The boy ........ (who/whose/whom) is very much angry with his mother bites her ear off. This makes the mother ........ (cried/to cry/cry). Had the mother punished the boy in his first stealing, he ........ (would be/would have been/will be) an honest man today.


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  1. can you please give me answers of the dialouge? it's very confusing.

  2. See below complete dialogue. It's a bit odd but it is right. Cheers!

    John: Finally, we got into a right place.
    Mary: Fine. It's been popular by now.
    John: Mary, What would you prefer ?
    Mary: I'm going to have a burger with cheese.
    John: Right, I'm going to have, I think I'll have a vegetarian burger with barbecue sauce on it.
    Mary: Burger too ? m'm I'm going to have deep-fried mushrooms. What are you going to have ?
    John: I'm either going to have mushroom soup or fish soup.
    Mary: Are you going to have a starter ?
    John: Why did Binod say he was too busy ?
    Mary: He has a party to attend.

  3. Thank you Admin. My sister was correct. She wrote the same like above.

  4. what do you mean by (rewriting is not compulsory)? Should we not copy the questions and only write the answers in a list?

  5. What is meant by choose and copy the best answers? should we only copy the answers - not questions?

  6. And is the above dialogue really correct? then how a question can be followed by a next question. E.g. Are you going to have...? Then, Why did Binod say he...?

  7. Can you please give me the answer of last question

  8. I will be pleased if you send me all questions of SLC 2072 to my e-mail. My e-mail is

    Mahesh Aryal

  9. anyone who provide me answer of vacancy announcement

  10. Answer of question number 8 and 9

  11. can you give me idea to find the answer of poem in easy way


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