Writer : W. Cowper

Summary Of 'The Poplar Field' :

There are no sheds as poplars have been cut down. Their leaves don't make melodious sound, in the wind. They don't sing. They are not grown along the river. It has been twelve years since I first saw them in this field. Now they are lying down on the ground and my seat is made by them.

Black birds have gone away to make the nests where they find shed of hazel. They used to sing melodious songs. Now they can't be heard. The poet thinks that his days too are passing away and he should be lying down like those poplars. He should be lying down before there appear new poplars. Such scenes make him think deeply about perishable human enjoyments. How short is our enjoyment when our lives are so short. Man is the most perishable thing in the world and people will live shorter than now in the future.

Questions/Answers Of 'The Poplar Field':

Question No.1: Summarize the poem in one paragraph. (यो कविताको सारांश एक अनुच्छेदमा लेख्नुहोस्।)
Ans: The poplars are cut down which used to grow along the Ouse river. The river doesn't reflect the shadows of the trees. Their leaves don't blow the air and sing a song. They were in my field and now they made my seat. Our lives too will be lying down like the trees. Our lives are perishable like the woods. Such events inspires the writer to think about the perishable nature of human joys.

Question No.2: Consider this poem as a defence of nature conservation. (यो कविता प्रकृति संरक्षणको समर्थनमा  भनेर छलफल गर्नुहोस्।)
Ans: The poet has written this poem in defence of nature conservation because he says we get some important human aspects from the trees. The poplars represent the jungle. When we preserve the trees we can get shades, pillars for our houses. The poet compares the tree with human life and says our lives are more perishable than the trees. We are destroyed by the nature so we should defend the nature.

Question No.3:Why do you think the poet has written this poem in the first person ? (तपाईको विचारमा कविले यो कवितामा किन "तिमी" प्रयोग नगरी "म" प्रयोग गरेर लेखेका हुन् ?)
Ans: The poem deals with the personal feeling according to the principle of romanticism. The poem also belongs to romanticism. Romantic writers don't care the common interest so they express their personal emotions using singular pronoun 'I'. So, in this poem we see the first person instead of others. Personal approach makes the expression stranger and powerful.

Question No.4:Write an essay on "Living in the Country". ("गाउँको बसाई" शीर्षकमा एउटा निबन्ध लेख्नुहोस्।)
Ans: Living in the country is living with the nature. The country is full of natural elements such as, forest, steam, hills, grass, and lawn. People living in the country know the real love of nature. Birds are settled in the jungle and they chirp in the morning and evening which is the source of human life. We learn many things from the nature. Jungle animals and birds are happy friends of men. Their life-style and our life-style are similar. Our life is fruitful when we live with nature. We are related to the nature directly. We can get first hand materials from the jungle, country and the nature but in the city we don't have any touch with the nature.

Question No.5:Discuss how the poet links up the idea of the cut down poplars with the end of human life and pleasures. (काटेको लहरे पीपल सम्बन्धी धारणालाई मानव जीवनको अन्त्य र आनन्दसँग कविले कसरी जोडेका छन्, छलफल गर्नुहोस्।)
Ans: The poem compares the life cycle of poplar and the human life. Poplar grows up, it produces branches, leaves. It makes shades, pillars. It lies down, perishes in the ground. Our life also grow and perish. Human life is also similar to the natural life. However, the life of nature or trees passes through time. The human life is also the same so our enjoyment goes away from the life.

Word Meanings in Nepali of 'The Poplar Field'
'The Poplar Field' Nepali Word Meanings
Nepali Meanings 'The Poplar Field'
English and Nepali Word Meanings of 'The Poplar Field'
poplar (n)
a kind of tree (सुरिलो बोट हुने लहरे पिपल)
felled (v)
cut (काटेको)
farewell (n)
goodbye (बिदा)
shade (n)
shadow (छहारी)
cool (adj)
cold (शीतल)
colonnade (n)
row of columns (पंक्तिबद्द रुखहरुको छहारी)
Ouse (n)
name of a river ('उज' नाम गरेको नदी)
bosom (n)
breast (छाती)
elapsed (adj)
passed (बितेको)
bank (n)
border (किनारा)
behold (v)
look (हेर)
lent (v, pp)
lend (सापट दिएको)
black bird (n)
a bird (युरोप अमेरिकातिर पाईने कालो चरा)
fled (v)
run away (भाग्यो, उड्यो)
retreat (n)
shelter (आश्रय लिने ठाउँ)
hazel (n)
a tree (कटुस)
afford (v)
give (दिनु)
screen (n)
curtain (पर्दा)
melody (n)
sound of song and music (गीत वा धुन)
charmed (v)
attracted (मोहित पार्यो)
resounds (v)
echoes (गुन्जिन्छ)
ditty (n)
a short song (छोंटो गीत)
fugitive (adj)
escapable (भाग्ने)
hasting (v)
hurrying (हतार गर्दै)
turf (n)
piece of soil (माटोको चपरी)
ere (adj)
before (पहिला)
grove (n)
a small jungle (सानो जङ्गल)
stead (n)
place (ठाउँ)
engage (v)
involve (संलग्न हुनु)
perishing (adj)
destroying (नाशवान)
pleasures (n)
joys (आनन्द)
short-lived (adj)
temporary (छोंटो समय सम्म रहने)

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Important Question Answers Of "The Poplar Field"


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  1. Translation In Nepali Of "THE POPLAR FIELD"

    पोपलरहरु ढालिएको छन्, छायाँ लाई विदाई
    चिसो रुखको छहारी बाट आउने सुसेली आवाजलाई:
    बतासहरुले अब बजाउँदैनन् र पातहरु गाउँदैनन्,
    न त आओस् खोलाले आफ्नो छातीमा छायाँ प्रतिबिम्बित गर्दछ।

    मैले पहिलो पटक दृश्यावलोकन गरेको बाह्र बर्ष भएको छ,
    यो मेरो मन पर्दो जमीन थियो र नदीकिनारमा पोपलर उम्रन्थे:
    र अहिले तिनीहरु घाँसै घाँसमा लडेका छन्,
    र मा त्यै रुखले बनेको आसनमा बसेको छु जसले एकपटक छायाँ दिन्थ्यो।

    चरा अर्को बासस्थानमा उडेर गएको छ,
    जहाँ जैतुनको रुखले तापबाट बच्न पर्दा प्रदान गर्दछ:
    र त्यो दृश्य जहाँ उसको सङ्गीतले अघि मलाई आकर्षित गर्दथ्यो
    उसको मिठासपूर्ण छोटो गीत अब कत्ति पनि सुनिने छैन।

    मेरो बितेका भगुवा बर्षहरु हतार-हतार गरेर भागिसकेका छन्,
    र मैले पनि ती रुख जति तल गिरेका छन् त्यति नै तल गिर्नुपर्छ:
    मेरो छातीमा माटो र टाउकोमा ढुङ्गा राख्नुपर्छ,
    चांडै अर्को यस्तो जङ्गल यसको ठाउँमा उत्पादन हुनेछ।

    यहि दृश्यले मलाई भुल्याउनेछ यदि केही चिजले सक्छ भने,
    मानिसको बिलाएर गएको आनन्दमा चिन्ता गर्न:
    हाम्रो छोंटो बाँचेको जिन्दगी, हाम्रा मनोरंजनहरु, मा देख्छु,
    अझ छोटा हुन्दैछन्, मितिहरू, र हामीभन्दा अझ चाँडै मर्नेछन्।


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