Question and Answers of essay "TV Can Be A Good Parent". "TV Can Be A Good Parent" is written by famous novelist Ariel Gore. Ariel Gore (born June 25, 1970, in Carmel, California) is a journalist, novelist, notification author, and a teacher. She is the founding editor/publisher of Hip Mama, an Alternative Press Award-winning publication covering the culture and politics of motherhood. Gore is widely credited with launching maternal feminism and the contemporary mothers' movement through her work on Hip Mama. "It's the quality of the writing that sets Hip Mama apart," The New Yorker noted (May, 2000). Gore's fiction and nonfiction work also explores creativity, spirituality, queer culture, and positive psychology. In this essay "TV Can Be A Good Parent", Ariel Gore argues about the use and need of TV.

Ariel Gores' contributions:

The Hip Mama Survival Guide (1998)
 The Mother Trip (2000)
 Breeder: Real-Life Stories from the New Generation of Mothers (2001)
 Atlas of the Human Heart (2003)
 Whatever, Mom: Hip Mama's Guide to Raising a Teenager (2004)
 The Essential Hip Mama: Writing from the Cutting Edge of Parenting (2004)
 The Traveling Death and Resurrection Show (2006)
 How to Become a Famous Writer Before You're Dead: Your Words in Print and Your Name in Lights (2007)
 Portland Queer: Tales of the Rose City (2009)
 "Bluebird: Women and the New Psychology of Happiness" (2010)
 "The End of Eve" (2014)
 We Were Witches (2017)

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"TV Can Be A Good Parent" Question Answers:

Question No. 1: Explain How Gore might reply to such TV critic as Van Allsburg. (गोरेले भानअर्ल्सवर्ग जस्ता टी. भी. आलोचकहरुलाई कसरी जवाफ दिन सक्थे भन्ने कुरा व्याख्या गर्नुहोस् ।)
Answer: We know that TV critic Van Allsburg does not like watching TV by children. He is not in support of watching TV by children. He says that watching TV makes human beings simply gather around the stone and stare around it. It also is said that they become humans when they stop watching TV and start reading. We cannot hope excellence and truth and objective information from them. We cannot stop them from doing such things. Therefore we should protect ourselves from such TV virus.

Ariel Gore would reply that children can interact with TV as well as with human beings. There are many TV programmes which convey a lot of good messages for all types of people. Kids or children learn so many good things while watching TV. She assures that TV is not the best thing, but poor working mothers can get time to earn money and make life tolerable when everything is so costly. In this way, we can guess that perhaps Ariel Gore would reply TV critic Van Allsburg that watching TV has no bad effects. Though too much of anything is not good, proper use of TV, radio, computer, mobile, like modern inventions is worthwhile.

Question No. 2: Gore's defence of  TV is based on it's usefulness, especially to poor single mothers. While her young daughter was sitting in front of the TV set, Ariel was able to have some time for herself, control aggressive impulses towards her innocent daughter, and carry out some essential work. Do you agree with Gore that usefulness is sufficient reason, for poor working parents to let their children watch TV four hours a day? (गोरेले गरेको टि. भी. को बचाव खासगरी गरीब एकल आमाहरुको लागि यसको उपयोगितामा आधारित छ । जब उनकी छोरी टि. भी. हेरेर बसिरहेकी हुन्थिन् एरियलले आफ्नो लागि केही समय पाउँथिन् । आफ्नी निर्दोष छोरी प्रतिका आवेश पूर्ण भावनाहरु नियन्त्रण गर्थिन् र केही आवश्यक कम गर्थिन् । गरीब, काम गर्ने आमा-बाबुका लागि आफ्ना बच्चाहरुलाई दिनको चार घण्टा टि. भी. हेर्ने अनुमति दिन उपयोगिता नै प्रशस्त कारण हो भन्ने गरेको भनाई संग के तपाई सहमत हुनुहुन्छ ?)

Answer: Today's world is the age of science and technology. Nobody can be wise or suitable human without knowledge of these modern inventions. TV, Computer, mobiles, etc. are very useful and advantageous equipments. In Gore's essay, she says that TV is useful for many reasons, for poor working people to allow their children or kids to watch TV four hours a day. There are many things in life which we do know that they are harmful but compelled to do. Rules should be observed under normal circumstances. In some cases, we do what the situation permits. We should learn according to the flow of time. We can not ignore the time.

Generally we are controlled by the things which are infront of us. We have no practice to wait for the distant possible results. Ariel Gore's immediate problem is to wait for the distant possible results. Ariel Gore's quick problem is to earn money to support herself and her daughter. When she goes to work, TV will be her daughter's co-mother. Even if Ariel Gore thinks of the future, she has to study further to make her future bright. She has to go to college. She has to study at home. If she does not allow her daughter to watch TV, she cannot complete her study. Ariel Gore is able to have some time for herself, control herself and carry out some important tasks.

In other words, what the researcher have found out may be applicable in normal cases only. But in the case of her daughter it may not be so much bad. Present time is the most important time. If we use it positively, we will get much more advantages. That is why, let's use TV as a good helper. Not only TV today Computers and Mobiles are also being popular among children and kids. They prefer to play games and listen to listen music on them. We should take care of our children because they have no idea what is good and what is bad; they like to do what they like. Therefore, we guardians should guide them while using TV, computer, mobile, etc. It is essential to give knowledge of everything but too much and misuse of such things should be controlled.

Question No. 3: At the end of the day we must rely on research before deciding whether to watch more or less TV. Since the question of TV watching is likely to have what independent researchers have to say about the subject, before deciding your best course of action. Do you agree? (दिनको अन्त्यमा टि.भी. धेरै वा थोरै हेर्ने भन्ने कुरा निर्णय गर्नु अघि हामी अनुसन्धानमा भर पर्नु पर्छ । टि.भी. हेर्ने कुराले तपाईमा र तपाईको मन पर्ने मान्छेमा असर पर्ने भएकाले स्वतन्त्र अनुसन्धान कर्ताहरुले विषयवस्तुको बारेमा तपाईको निर्णय गर्नु भन्दा अघि पढ्ने इच्छा हुन सक्छ । तपाई स्वीकार गर्नु हुन्छ ?)

Answer: Researchers have found that TV is harmful for children and kids. It is not good to watch TV by childres and kids because it harms them in many ways. Some researchers say that it is not harmful for others. In such a conflicting situation, we have to depend on what independent researchers say about the subject own. In fact, television is a part or you can say gift of the modern life. TV has many advantages than disadvantages. We depend on TV for entertainment, news, culture, sports, etc. With the recent explosion in satellite and digital speciality channels, we now have reach to both good quality and inappropriate TV channels. In this crowded television programs, the key job of parents is to search out high quality TV programs for their children.

Though television offers lots of benefits to children, it is not far from some bad results. Because of it's ability to create powerful touchstones, TV makes young people share cultural experiences with others. Next, shared viewing gives family members of all ages an opportunity to spent time together. Thirdly, great television can tech kids important values and life lessons. Moreover, TV programs often explore controversial or sensitive issues, which can make it easier for parents and kids to discuss them. Then, educational programming can help young children's socialization and learning skills. Also, news, current events and historical programming can help make young people more aware of other cultures and people. Therefore, we can agree that at the end of the day we must rely on research before deciding whether to watch more or less TV. Finally, the question of TV watching is unlikely to be what independent researchers have said about the subject, before deciding a best course of action, without any research and proof, we cannot say anything useful or useless.
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