Tribhuvan University | Old Is Gold
Institute Of Science And Technology
Computer Science and Information Technology
Course: Fundamental Of Computer Programming
Level: Bachelor | First Year | Semester: First | Year 2069 | Science
Full Marks: 60 | Pass Marks: 24 | Time: 3 Hrs

Download - File Size: 97.6 kb | Question Paper Of 'Fundamental Of Computer Programming' 2069 | CSIT | TU

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable. 

All questions carry equal marks.

Attempt all questions.

1. What an algorithm and flow chart to find out whether a given integer is zero, +ve or –ve and explain it.

2. What are the basic four data types use in C programming? What are its size and range? Explain.

3. Explain the “if ….. else” statement with example.

4. Differentiate between break and exit statement with example.

5. Explain the multidimensional array with example. Write a program to convert a lowercase character string into uppercase.

6. Explain the library functions with example.

7. Write a program to find the sum of all the elements of an array suing pointers.

8. Explain the pointer arithmetic with example.

9. Explain the array of structures and write a program to accept record of 15 person which has name, age and address and also display them.

10. What are the three of input / output functions which support in C- programming? Explain with example.
Write short notes on:
a) Delimiters
b) Graphics function


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