Government of Nepal has introduced a new grading system in School Leaving Certificate (SLC)/Secondary Education Examination (SEE) examination by scrapping the previous pass-fail system. A meeting of Curriculum Development Centre a year ago, decided to introduce the grading system.The meeting under the Chairmanship of Education Minister Chitra Lekha Yadav decided to adopt the system in this year’s (2072-2016) SLC/SEE exams for technical group and will be effective in both the general and technical groups from this year’s SLC/SEE exams.

Glance at "The Old Marking System Of SLC".

There were much more changes in recent years which facilitate students passing with quality marks & making SLC bit easier then it previously was. Changes in way of giving SLC & it’s importance for future was increased as SLC certificate was not only helpful for Secondary Level even for Bachelor Degree Level & Masters Degree Level.

Previously, Marking System of SLC was in the following format:

Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 32 (For non-practical subjects)

This was just a basic format of total marks however there was a way to determine the very talented student an average student or a normal student based on percentage achieved or division.

The percentage and division were separated in following way: 
Distinction: Students whose marks are 80% or above 
First Division: Students whose marks are 60% or above 
Second Division: Students whose marks are 45% or above 
Third Division: Students whose marks are 32% or above 
Fail: Students whose marks are less than 32%

The result of SLC is very important to every individual student since they can apply for scholarship as per their results & marks obtained in SLC. Government was in plan to change the education system in Nepal because marking system already had lot of criticism. Thus, Grading system in SLC examinations Government recently introduced a new education system in Nepal which is based on grading SLC examinations. From this year 2072 (2016) with removal of marking system grading system is implemented as per above discussion.

What is new Letter Grading System ? How to check SEE Grade Point Average (GPA) in Nepal?

In new grading system students will either get a pass status or fail status so in general there won’t be either first division second or third also there won’t be how much mark does individual students get. This is one of the best steps adopted by the government to mainly focus on how to improve the secondary level exam evaluation process. However grading evaluation system will be carried out for Classes Nine and 10 both during school life. Experts are optimistic about this new grading system will minimize these negative effects. Marking system was always a problem for those average students who were either on first or second divisions. Many students fail in the SLC/SEE finals due to the number grading system, and this had caused negative effects on their future study that is why new grading system in SLC/SEE is implemented.

According to new grading system in SLC/SEE result will be as follows:

Grade : A+ = [GPA-4]
Students securing 90% or above 90 percentage (90-100) will be graded A+ (Outstanding)

Grade : A = [GPA-3.6]
Students securing 80% or below 90 percentage (80-89)will be graded A (Excellent)

Grade : B+ = [GPA-3.2]
Students securing 70% or below 80 percentage (70-79) will be graded B+ (Very Good)

Grade : B = [GPA-2.8]
Students securing 60% or below 70 percentage (60-69) will be graded C (Good)

Grade : C+ = [GPA-2.4]
Students securing 50% or below 60 percentage (50-59) will be graded C+ (Above Average)

Grade : C = [GPA-2.0]
Students securing 40% or below 50 percentage (40-49) will be graded D (Average)

Grade : D+ = [GPA-1.6]
Students securing 30% or below 40 percentage (30-39) will be graded D+ (Below Average)

Grade : D = [GPA-1.2]
Students securing 20% or below 30 percentage (20-29) will be graded D (Above Insufficient)

Grade : E = [GPA-0.8]
Students securing below 20 percentage (1-19) will be graded E (Insufficient)

So, as per your view, are students going to be benefited with this new grading system? Just give us your views. Any insights are welcome. There mightn’t be percentage but still the grades appearing on the result sheet could make difference. After all, who would accept the ones with D, E or Fs. With failure, they might get another chance to bring good marks but with grades, they shan’t get another chance. Isn’t it ? There are advantages as well as disadvantages.

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