Word Meanings and Translation In Nepali of "The Lunatic" ( पागल ) was written by Mahakavi Laxmi Prasad Devkota. Devkota was born on 12 November 1909 as the third son of Pandit Til Madhav Devkota and Amar Rajya Laxmi Devi. He was born in Dilli Bazar, Kathmandu on the day of Laxmi Puja, the Festival of Lights, which is celebration of Laxmi, the Goddess of Wealth. He died on 14 September 1959 in Kathmandu. Devkota contributed to Nepali literature by bringing the Sanskrit tradition to its end and by starting modern Romantic Movement in the country.

Also Read:
1. The Lunatic - Translation In English By 'Laxmi Prasad Devkota
2. The Lunatic - Summary in English (Laxmi Prasad Devkota)
3. The Lunatic - Four Levels
4. The Lunatic - Questions And Answers

" The Lunatic " is a satirical ( व्यांगात्मक ) poem composed by Devkota. In this poem, the poet presents the supermacy of emotion. This poem is his auto-biography where he expresses his anger at the inhumanity of mankind by weraring the persona of a lunatic. This poem is also a modern expression of his deepest personal feelings and a surgical exposure of the emptiness of the so-called intellectual aspirants of the time. The poet also focuses on the social, cultural, and political scene of the Nepal.

Word Meanings:

insane - पागल
plight - दु:ख लाग्दो अवस्था, हालत
visualize - हेर्नु; देख्नु
palpable - छुन वा अनुभव गर्न सकिने
unaware - थाहा नपाएको
wavelet - सानो तरंग
pebble - स-साना ढुंगा
edge - छेउ



Translation In Nepali Of 'The Lunatic'( नेपालीमा अनुवाद ):

s= h?/ ;fyL d kfun Û
   o:t} 5 d]/f] xfn Û

v= d zAbnfO{ b]Vb5' Û
   b[ZonfO{ ;'Gb5' Û
   af:gfnfO{ :jfb lnG5' Û
   cfsfzeGbf kftnf s'/fnfO{ 5'G5' Û
   tL s'/f,
   h;sf] cl:tTj nf]s dfGb}g
   h;sf] cfsf/ ;+;f/ hfGb}g Û
   d b]Vb5' 9'ËfnfO{ k"mn Û
   ha, hn–lsgf/sf hn–lrKnf tL
   sf]dnfsf/ kfiff0f,
   :ju{sf] hfb"ugL{ dlt/ xfF:bf,
   klqP/, gld{P/, emlNsP/,
   alNsP/ p7\b5g\ d"s kfunem}+,
   k"mn em}+ Ps lsl;dsf rsf]/–k"mn Û
   d af]Nb5' ltg;Fu, h:tf] af]Nb5g\ tL d;Fu
   Ps efiff, ;fyL Û
   hf] n]lvGg, 5flkGg, af]lnGg,
   a'emfOGg, ;'gfOGg Û
   h'g]nL uËf–lsgf/ 5fn cfpF5 ltgsf] efiff
   ;fyL Û 5fn5fn Û
   h?/ ;fyL d kfun Û
   o:t} 5 d]/f] xfn Û

u= ltdL rt'/ 5f afrfn
   ltd|f] z'4 ul0ft–;"q x/xd]zf rln/x]sf] 5
   Ps} afFsL /xG5 Û
   ltdL kfFr OlGb|on] sfd u5f}{
   d 5}6f}Fn] Û
   ltd|f] lubL 5 ;fyL Û
   d]/f] d'6' Û
   ltdL u'nfkmnfO{ u'nfkm l;jfo b]Vg ;St}gf},
   d p;df x]n]g / klBgL kfpF5',
   ltdL alnof uB 5f} Û
   d t/n kB 5' Û
   ltdL hDb5f} ha d kUbG5',
   ltdL ;ª\nG5f} ha d wldnf] aG5',
   / 7Ls To;}sf] pN6f] Û
   ltd|f] ;+;f/ 7f]; 5 Û
   d]/f] afkm Û
   ltd|f] afSnf], d]/f] kftnf] Û
   ltdL 9'ËfnfO{ j:t' 7fGb5f},
   7f]; s7f]/tf ltd|f] oyfy{ 5 Û
   d ;kgfnfO{ ;dfTg vf]Hb5',
   h:tf] ltdL, Tof] lr;f], dL7f] cIf/ sf6]sf]
   kflG9sLsf] af6'nf] ;TonfO{ Û
   d]/f] 5 ah] sfF9fsf] ;fyL Û
   ltd|f] ;'gsf] / xL/fsf] Û
   ltdL kxf8nfO{ nf6f eGb5f},
   d eG5' jfrfn Û
   h?/ ;fyL Û
   d]/f] Ps gzf 9Lnf] 5 .
   o:t} 5 d]/f] xfn Û

3= d df3sf] 708Ldf
   tf/fsf] ;]tf] k|fylds /fk tfk]/
   al;/x]sf] lyPF,
   b'lgofFn] dnfO{ t/ËL eg] Û
   e:d]Zj/af6 kms{bf ;ft lbg
   6f]XnfPsf] b]v]/
   e"t nfu]sf] eg] Û
   Ps ;'Gb/Lsf s]zdf
   ;dosf t'iff/fsf]
   klxnf l5sf{ k/]sf] b]v]/
   d tLg lbg ?Fbf,
   d]/f] cfTdfnfO{ a'4n] 5'Fbf
   dnfO{ 56fPsf] eg] Û
   d}n] j;Gtsf] klxnf] sf]lsn ;'g]/
   gfr]sf] b]Vbf,
   ax'nf eg] Û
   Ps ;"g;fg cf}+;Ln] dnfO{ lgzf; eP/
   d k|no–j]bgfn] pk|m]F Û
   d"v{x?n] dnfO{ To; a]nf l7ª\u'/f xfn]/ /fv] Û
   d t"kmfg;Fu Ps lbg uLt ufpg yfn]sf] lyPF,
   dnfO{ a'h|'ux?n],
   /fFrL k7fOlbP Û
   d cfk"mnfO{ Ps lbg d/]sf] ;Dem]/
   nDk;f/ lyPF,
   Ps ;fyLn] a];/L lrdl6lbP
   / eg], æP kfun t]/f] df;' cem d/]sf] 5}g ÛÆ
   o:tf s'/f eP ;fn, ;fn Û
   kfun 5' ;fyL Û
   o:t} 5 d]/f] xfn Û

ª= d}n] gjfasf] dlb/fnfO{ v"g eg]sf] 5',
   l5d]sL /08LnfO{ nfz eg]sf] 5' Û
   /fhfnfO{ u/La,
   l;sGb/nfO{ d}n] ufnL lbPsf] 5' Û
   dxfTdf egfpFbfsf] lgGbf u/]sf] 5' Û
   gu0o JolQmnfO{, t/,
   ;ftf}+ cf;dfg;Dd,
   tf/Lkmsf] k'ndf r9fPsf] 5',
   ltd|f dxfkl08t, d]/f] dxfd"v{ Û
   ltd|f] :ju{, d]/f] g/s Û
   ltd|f] ;'g, d]/f] kmnfd
   ;fyL Û ltd|f] wd{ d]/f] kfk Û
   hxfF ltdL cfk"mnfO{ rnfs ;DemG5f},
   pxfF d b]V5' ltdLnfO{ lans'n nf6f Û
   ltd|f] pGglt, d]/f] cjglt,
   o:t} 5 df]ndf]nfOsf] pn6–kn6,
   ;fyL Û
   ltd|f] ljZj, d]/f] afn Û
   h?/ ;fyL Û d lans'n rGb|fxt 5'
   o:t} 5 d]/f] xfn Û

r= d cGwfnfO{ b'lgofFsf] cu'jf b]Vb5',
   u'kmf–tk:jLnfO{ eu'jf b]Vb5',
   ldYofsf d~r r9]sfnfO{
   sfnf g6'jf b]Vb5' Û
   ljkmnnfO{ ;kmn b]Vb5' Û
   k|ultnfO{ cult b]Vb5' Û
   of x'Fnf d} P]Frftfgf Û
   of x'Fnf d} bLjfgf Û
   ;fyL Û d} bLjfgf Û
   5= lgn{Hh g]t[Tjsf] gL/; /;gfsf]
   /08Lsf] gfr x]/ Û
   hg–clwsf/sf] 8F8fNgf]sf] efFr x]/ Û
   ha eFu]/–6fps] 5fkfsf] sfnf] ldYofn]
   d]/f] ljj]s–jL/nfO{
   hfnL em'7n] nnsf5{
   ta x'G5g\ d]/f ufnf /ftf ;fyL Û
   ;Ns]sf] uf]nem}+ /ftf Û
   ha lgd'vf b'lgofF sfnf] hx/ lkpFb5,
   lkpF5 sfgn],
   / cd[t elg7fg]/,
   / d]/f cfFvfcufl8, ;fyL Û
   ta x'G5g\ 7f8f d]/f /f}+, /f}+
   uu{gsf ;k{s]z em}+, d]/f lh:SofOPsf
   /f}+, /f}+ Û
   ha af3n] d[u vfg cfF6]sf] b]V5', ;fyL Û
   of 7"nf] df5fn] ;fgf],
   ta d]/f dsf{Psf x•Ldf klg bwLlrsf] cfTdfsf]
   eoª\s/ an k;]/, af]Ng vf]Hb5, ;fyL Û
   ta s8s8spF5g\ d]/f aQL; bGt] aËf/f,
   b'j} Û
   h:tf] eLd;]gsf bfFt Û
   k|sf]ksf] nfn–nfn cfFvfsf 8Nnf,
   kmgSs 3'dfP/ Ps 8ann], d
   of] cdfgjsf] dfgjhut\nfO{,
   Ps cfuf]sf] nKsfn] em}+ x]b{5', ;fyL Û
   clk|mG5g\ d]/f snk'hf{,
   vnqn, vnan Û
   t"kmfg x'G5 d]/f] ;f; Û
   ljs[t x'G5 d]/f] r]x/f Û
   aGb5 d]/f] lbdfu, ;fyL Û
   a8jfgnem}+, a8jfgnem}+ Û
   d jg vfg] cfuf] em}+ ax'nf x'G5' Û
   ax'nf, ;fyL Û
   sfFr} lgn"F em}+ ljZjljzfn Û
   h?/ ;fyL Û
   d ;'Gb/–rsf]/, c;'Gb/–kmf]/ Û
   lrl8of, :juf{lUg–rf]/
   t"kmfg–k'q Û
   kfun Hjfnd'vLsf] pb\uf/
   eoª\s/ JolQmTjkfn Û
   h?/, ;fyL Û
   ;Gs] duh 5', ;Gs] Û
   o:t} 5 d]/f] xfn Û
( लेखक: लक्ष्मी प्रसाद देवकोटा )


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