Summary of " Pandora's Box ". " Pandora's Box " is the re-written version of the Greek myth. It presents the story of how Pandora let loose the " Troubles " in the world and how life became bearable only with the coming of "hope". The conflict between gods and human beings and between hopes and fears is the main theme of the play.

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Summary Of 'Pandora's Box' In English:

At the beginning of the play the world is free from any troubles. It has just begun. It is the world of perfect freedom where children can play safely. The clouds look like ships and the small rivers murmur. All the gods and goddesses are happy. The world is lighted by the sun.

Pandora enters the stage first and plays with an imaginary ball. She plays with the ball like the gods and goddesses who play with the moon and the stars. Epimetheus enters and they throw the ball to each other. They are playing happily.

The leader of chorus is worried. Then Hermes, the messenger of gods, enters there. He has worn silver shoes. The leader thinks he has come to bless the children. They all greet Hermes merrily ( खुशीसाथ ). He has come at Zeus's command. Hermes is carrying an imaginary box. Hermes smiles at the children and holds out the box. Pandora is fascinated by the box. It is the box of Sandalwood with cavern faces smiling curiously and writhing snakes around it. There is an amulet of gold on the lid. Hermes warns Pandora, then smiles and leaves.

Pandora and Epimetheus begin to play again but Pandora is still fascinated by the box. She hears a voice coming from it, speaking to her. Listening to the voices within, she lifts the box and looks at it. She hears evil voices requesting her to open the lid. She suddenly opens the box's lid. The troubles escape from the box and begin to attack her. Epimetheus comes running in. Pandora and Epimetheus manage to beat the troubles away. Epimetheus looks angrily and abusively at her. First she challenges him, but later she hangs her head with shame.

The chorus explains that Pandora has let evil out of the box and it is impossible to put back again. Now peace and innocence have been lost forever. The people are sad, destroyed and unhappy. If someone had the power to hold the time's wheel and turn it back an hour, everybody would be happy. Pandora is very worried about her deed. But she listens to another voice again coming out from the box. When the box was opened a second time, "Hope" was released. "Hope" encourages them to be happy. This explains the world as it is today. There are troubles, but there is also hope.

Or You May Choose Below Summary (STORY):

It all starts when Prometheus and his brother, Epimetheus, both of them Titans, join Zeus. They foretell that Zeus, the most powerful of the gods, would win all wars against the Titans. Impressed by their decision, Zeus allows both the brothers to create the first living creatures on Earth. Epimetheus creates different animals, and for each of them he gifts special powers and special protection. Prometheus creates Man, but he fails to provide Man with any protection since his brother has already used them up.

In desperation, Prometheus goes to Zeus to ask if he could gift Man the power of fire. But Zeus refuses. Fire is the weapon of Gods and so it must remain. Prometheus, ignoring this, goes ahead and gifts the power of fire to Man. Enraged, Zeus decides to punish both Prometheus for his disobedience and Man for accepting the gift of fire.

Zeus orders Hephaestus to make a woman called Pandora. Hephaestus models her out of earth and water, and instills every virtue in her. Aphrodite gifts her beauty, and Hermes gifts her intelligence and curiosity. Zeus asks Epimetheus to marry Pandora, and the latter gladly accepts. As a wedding gift, Zeus gives Pandora a box (originally, a jar) but asks her never to open it. Pandora tries to follow Zeus's instructions, but her curiosity gets the better of her and she opens the box.

Climax- As soon as the lid of the box is lifted, all kinds of evil escape from it. Poverty, death, hunger, envy, anger, disease escape from the box and are let loose on Earth. Pandora replaces the lid in a hurry, but she fails to contain the evils. The only thing remaining in the box is Hope, as it fails to escape.

Moral- Ever since then, humankind has been subjected to every kind of evil. These are almost rampant in the world. But the only thing that can save mankind is Hope, for a better future and a better life. Hope must be held on to, for only that has the power to redeem us. But since Hope could not escape from Pandora's box, it is so difficult to be found among humans today.

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