Summary in English of God's Grandeur. God's Grandeur is written by Gerard Manley Hopkins.
God's Grandeur is a sonnet ( a poem in fourteen lines ) praising the greatness of God.
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Summary Of 'GOD'S GRANDEUR':
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1. Word Meaning And Translation In Nepali Of 'GOD'S GRANDEUR'
2. Question and answers Of 'GOD'S GRANDEUR'The world is full of God's glory ( महिमा ). It shines with God's grandeur ( भव्यता ). God's Grandeur expresses itself in two ways. Sometimes it bursts out with a sudden radiance just a shining and shaken sword radiates brightness and secondly it menifests ( व्यक्त गर्छ ) itself slowly over a period of time just as oil slowly leaks or flows from on olive seed when crushed and gathers itself into a large amount. In the same way, God's glory pervades ( सबै ठाउँमा व्याप्त छ ) everywhere in the world. The poet wonders if the world is full of God's grandeur, then why people do not pay attention to the command of God. The reason for this ignorance and indifference ( वेवास्ता ) is that the people of the world have become too materialistic ( भौतिकवादी ). They have become slave to the matter and pursue their profit earning activities without caring about God's will and anger. As a result, their senses have become so numb (संवेदनहीन ) that they are unable to realize the omnipresence ( सर्वव्यापी अस्तित्व ) of God. The world has degenerated.
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EXTRA SUMMARY OF "GOD'S GRANDEUR"Nevertheless, God's greatness shall never diminish. Despite our misbehave towards it, the nature and the resources are in large quantity. The world's filled with the god's greatness, the Holy Ghost broods over everything. As long as the mercy of God is on us, we are safe.
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