Four Levels for "IF NOT HIGHER"
1. Literal Comprehension:

Every Friday early morning, at the time of Penitential Prayers, the Rabbi of Nemirov used to disappear. He could not be found at his home. A Litvak wanted to find out about the disappearance of the Rabbi at that time. So, he hid in the night secretly under the Rabbi's bed. In the morning people had left home foe prayers and the Rabbi changed himself as a worker, went into the forest and cut a bundle of sticks. After that he went into a cottage where a sick Jewish woman lived. He asked her to buy the wood on credit also, and started burning fire. During this time he recited the first part of the Penitential Prayers. When the wood started burning, he recited the second part and when the fire was set he recited the third part. Seeing such activities, Litvak became Rabbi's follower and realised the place higher than the heaven.

Also Read:
1. Question and answers Of "If Not Higher"
2. Summary of "If Not Higher", Word Meanings and Translation In Nepali

2. Interpretation:

The story tries to tell us that practical approach of the religion is important in life. Just to preach is nothing, but service to humanity is the value of religion. The story also tries to show that religion is at the service of humanity. By serving the poor sick woman, Rabbi felt that is ascended to heaven. Litvak got the proof of heaven.

This story gives very clear vision about the god, heaven, religion and virtue. There are a few questions in my mind after reading this story. Is it possible to go to heaven when someone is alive ? How can someone be a Rabbi if he does not take part in the traditional way of praying in the holy place ? "Is it possible to find a person like the Rabbi in real life ?" It suggests about the real dwelling of god and the prayer of the god.

4. AssimilationThis story helped me to strengthen the idea of humanity. The Rabbi is perfect example of a person to serve humanity. I came to know why the Litvak made doubts. This story inspired me to help the needy ones even in the name of religion. It memorized me the verse of our great poet Laxmi Prasad Devkota - go back and hold the feet of wounded and apply ointment (मलम) on their aching (दुखेको) wounds to gain virtue. There is no real heaven or paradise only higher or unseen place but it is in good deeds of ours here. It is in the help of the poor, sick and needy.

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Four Levels Of "IF NOT HIGHER"


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